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Which Vastu paintings add harmony & prosperity to homes?

The Auspicious Aura of Horses in Vastu Shastra: Bringing Harmony to Homes

The Auspicious Aura of Horse Paintings in Vastu Shastra: Bringing Harmony to Homes
The Auspicious Aura of Horses

In the realm of Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, every element of a home is believed to influence the energy flow within its walls. Among these elements, the horse holds a special place of reverence and significance. According to Vastu principles, incorporating horse-related decor or imagery into your home can invite prosperity, positivity, and harmony into your living space.


Horses symbolize power, grace, and freedom in various cultures worldwide. In Vastu Shastra, they are considered sacred animals associated with strength, success, and endurance. Placing horse statues or paintings in specific areas of the home is believed to enhance the flow of positive energy and balance the cosmic forces.

According to Vastu experts, placing a horse figurine or painting in the south direction of your home can bring fame, recognition, and success in endeavors. The south direction is associated with reputation and career growth, and the energy of the horse is believed to amplify these aspects of life.


Moreover, horses are also associated with the element of fire, which represents transformation and energy. By incorporating horse motifs in the southeast direction of the home, which corresponds to the fire element in Vastu, one can stimulate vitality, passion, and enthusiasm in both personal and professional pursuits.

In addition to their symbolic significance, horses are also believed to possess a protective aura according to Vastu principles. Placing horse-related decor near the entrance of the home is thought to safeguard the household from negative energies and evil influences, thereby promoting a sense of security and well-being.


Furthermore, horses are revered animals in many cultures for their loyalty and companionship. In Vastu Shastra, incorporating horse imagery in the home is believed to foster strong bonds and harmonious relationships among family members, promoting unity and mutual respect.

In conclusion, the horse holds a special place in Vastu Shastra as a symbol of strength, success, and protection. By integrating horse-related decor into your home according to Vastu principles, you can invite auspicious energies, prosperity, and harmony into your living space, creating a conducive environment for personal growth and fulfillment.


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